
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Colon Therapy is Helpful or Harmful

What is Colon Therapy?

Colon HydrotherapyEnemas and other cleansing rituals were commonly used to rid the body of waste products believed to cause disease and death. In the US, cleansing the Colon became popular in the 1920s and 1930s. Colon Therapy, also known as Colon cleansing, is the process of cleaning the major part of the large intestine through the administration of water, enzymes, herbal solutions and coffee. This type of treatment is also called colonic hydrotherapy or colon irrigation. It often involves the use of chemicals in the body and in hydrotherapy; the colon is flushed with water through a tube inserted in the rectum. A colon cleanse is an effective way to help encourage the body's natural detoxification process.

What is Colon Hydrotherapy?

Colon Hydrotherapy is a gentle method of internally cleansing your colon of poisons and accumulated waste matter, without the use of drugs or chemicals. It recommended for the following symptoms: skin conditions, low energy, digestive problems and detox. This type of treatment is clean and relaxing method of removing toxins and waste from the colon or large intestine through the gentle infusion of water.

What is colon irrigation? 

Colonic irrigation is a safe and productive procedure of cleansing the colon by recurring gentle flushing with moderately hot filtered water under much reduced force, utilizing focused massage methods on the tummy locality to stimulate release. The treatment is odorless and is not painful. This therapy may improve bowel regularity; boost your immune system, alkalise your body and increase energy levels and improve mood.

What does Colon Therapy involve?

Colon HydrotherapyColon therapy or colonic irrigation is given by colonic hygienist, using plastic tubes inserted through the rectum and into the colon. Through this pipe large amount of water is sent into colon. After filling the colon with water, hygienist might massage the abdomen to help move waste material, where fluid
and waste are carried out of the body through another tube. Generally this procedure is repeated several times and the average session lasts from 45 to 60 minutes. Coffee or herbs may be included in the treatment program.

Pros and Cons of Colonic Therapy: 

Colonic therapy has become a common treatment suggested by the alternative physicians. Getting colonic is used as remedy for many diseases such as arthritis, headache, joint pains, hypertension and psoriasis. The unsubstantiated advantages encompass avoidance of constipation due to peristaltic action of the muscles, enhancement in the colon functioning, respite of the gastrointestinal problems and expulsion of the redundant parasites in the colon.
Many suspect that colonic irrigation may cause severe adverse effects and may cause many imbalances in the system. Professionals propose that that the treatment is not effective for people with health troubles such as hepatitis, Crohn's disease, severe or internal hemorrhoids or tumors in the rectum or colon and appendicitis. Colonic therapy should not be utilized as a remedy in people after bowel surgery, heart or kidney diseases.
The repeated colonic treatment is discouraged as it may absorb too much water leading to vomiting, heart failure, and fluid in the lungs. Colonic therapy may decrease the ability to contract and push waste from the body.

Colon Therapy Alternative:

Drinking adequate water and taking an over-the-counter product containing psyllium seed husks is a very safe and basic way to perform colon cleansing at home. Husks are usually sold in powdered form. Drinking 2-3 teaspoons of the powder with a full glass of water daily before breakfast, you will notice smooth, bulky bowel movements. Psyllium that is rich in fiber may sweep out material that was stuck in the colon and will relieve constipation. Water itself is a detoxifying agent that allows the body’s own detoxification systems to process out waste.

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